Houston BOMA Staff

The Houston BOMA office is located at 9 Greenway Plaza, Suite 100, Houston, Texas 77046.
You can reach our main office at 713-266-5691 or contact any of the staff below for assistance.

Not sure who to contact? Reach out to us here and you will be connected with a staff member who can help!

  • Chief Executive Officer: Bradley Elliott, MBA, CAE
    Reach out to Bradley for advocacy and Houston BOMA Foundation questions.
  • Vice President of Operations: Elisa Barnes, CAE 
    Reach out to Elisa for questions regarding billing and payments, volunteer opportunities, committees, TOBY, and our annual awards program.
  • Director of Communications and Marketing: Shannon Roberts, CAE
    Reach out to Shannon for all questions regarding our website, publication, newsletter, advertising, research, and career center.
  • Director of Membership, Business Development, and Education: Natalia Lara-Davis, MA
    Reach out to Natalia for all questions regarding membership, our member directory, educational programs, sponsorship, and annual partner program.
  • Manager of Meetings and Events: Victoria Ferrell
    Reach out to Victoria for all questions regarding events and meetings.
  • Membership Services and Education Coordinator: Janie Shallow, M.Ed.
    Reach out to Janie for questions regarding membership status, your login, education registration, and member involvement.


  • Bradley Elliott

    Bradley Elliott

    MBA, CAE


    View Profile



  • Elisa Barnes

    Elisa Barnes


    Vice President of Operations

    View Profile


    Vice President of Operations

  • Natalia Lara-Davis

    Natalia Lara-Davis

    Director of Membership, Education, and Business Development

    Director of Membership, Edu., and Business Dev.

  • Shannon R. Roberts

    Shannon R. Roberts


    Director of Communications and Marketing

    Director of Communications and Marketing

  • Victoria Ferrell

    Victoria Ferrell

    Manager of Meetings and Events

    Manager of Meetings and Events

  • Janie Shallow

    Janie Shallow

    Member Services and Education Coordinator

    Membership Services and Education Coordinator