Houston BOMA Foundation Golf Tournament

Monday, September 8, 2025
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM (CDT)
Category: Special Events

Show Your Support "Fore" the Houston BOMA Foundation with a Day on the Green!

Grab your clubs and come play a round with us on Monday, September 8, at the BlackHorse Golf Club for our fifth annual Houston BOMA Foundation Golf Tournament. Help us fundraise on the fairway with 18 holes of golf, sponsor giveaways, prizes, networking, lunch and dinner, refreshing beverages, and tons of fun to benefit the Houston BOMA Foundation. Your participation and support will enable us to continue programs such as our Leadership Lyceum and Building Engineering Management 101 course, conduct research for local Compensation and Operating Expense studies, and our Scholarships to support professional development. We hope to see you on the green!

Register Individually or in Teams of 4.


  • Mulligans: A Mulligan allows a player to replay their stroke.
  • Beat the Pro's: On a designated hole, play to beat the Pro and double your raffle card entries!

Ways to Win!

  • First Place Team- Tournament Winner
  • Second Place Team
  • Putting Contest- Compete before the tournament
  • Closest to the Pin- Men & Women's
  • Longest Drive- Men & Women's
  • Highest Scoring Team- If you're not first, it pays to be last!
  • Hole in One- Get a Hole in one on a designated hole, and win $20,000 cash!
  • Beat the Pro Raffle- Winner receives a $300 Travis Matthew Gift Card
  • Split the Pot

We're Looking for Sponsors. Please contact Victoria Ferrell at vferrell@houstonboma.org to learn more about Sponsorship opportunities for this event.

Thank you to our Underwriter!

Thank You to Our Sponsors!

Hole in One Sponsors

Breakfast Sponsor

Dinner Sponsor

Drink Cart Sponsor

Putting Contest Sponsor

DJ Sponsor

Roaming Photo Booth Sponsor

Credits Price
Individual Golfer (Non-Member)
Registration Opens 7/8/25 at 12:00 AM CST
Team Registration (Non-Member)
Registration Opens 7/8/25 at 12:00 AM CST
Credits Price
Mulligan Package for Team
A Mulligan allows a player to replay their stroke. Max (3) per player. This package allows 3 Mulligans per player in your team (12 Total), and cannot be combined with individually purchased Mulligans.  Registration Opens 7/8/25 at 12:00 AM CST
Beat the Pro for Team- 10 Raffle Ticket/Zero Score
On a designated hole, play to beat the Pro and double your raffle card entries! Raffle Prize is a $300 Travis Matthew Gift Card 

$300 for 10 Raffle Tickets Per Player AND the entire team gets an automatic zero on the scorecard!
Registration Opens 7/8/25 at 12:00 AM CST
Foundation Donation
Thank you for your donation to the Houston BOMA Foundation. All proceeds will directly fund Educational Scholarships for BOMA members.   Registration Opens 7/8/25 at 12:00 AM CST
$100.00 Suggested Donation
Credits Price
Breakfast Sponsor
• Signage recognition at breakfast station 
• Logo recognition on the BOMA website and newsletter promoting the event
• Complimentary team
Registration Opens 7/8/25 at 12:00 AM CST
Dinner Sponsor
• Signage recognition at dinner station
• Logo recognition on the BOMA website and newsletter promoting the event
• Complimentary team
Registration Opens 7/8/25 at 12:00 AM CST
DJ Sponsor
• Signage recognition at DJ station 
• Logo recognition on the BOMA website and newsletter promoting the event
• Complimentary team
Registration Opens 7/8/25 at 12:00 AM CST
Drink Cart Sponsor
• Signage recognition on drink carts
• Logo recognition on the BOMA website and newsletter promoting the event
• Complimentary team
Registration Opens 7/8/25 at 12:00 AM CST
Hole in One Sponsor
• Signage recognition for the Hole-In-One Contest
• Logo recognition on the BOMA website and newsletter promoting the event
• Complimentary team
• Complimentary Hole Sponsor and ability to staff your sponsored hole to pass out promotional items to golfers

Registration Opens 7/8/25 at 12:00 AM CST
Hole Sponsor
• Company name placed on signage at one hole on the day of the tournament
• Ability to staff your sponsored hole to pass out promotional items to golfers
• Two meal (breakfast & dinner) tickets for staff working your hole
Registration Opens 7/8/25 at 12:00 AM CST
Hole Sponsor Truck Access
Upgrade to a hole location that has truck access. Registration Opens 7/8/25 at 12:00 AM CST
Hole Sponsor Game Upgrade
Upgrade to a premium hole location that hosts the Closest to the Pin, Longest Drive Contest, or Beat the Pro Game. Registration Opens 7/8/25 at 12:00 AM CST
Putting Contest Sponsor
• Signage recognition for the Putting Contest
• Logo recognition on the BOMA website and newsletter promoting the event
• Complimentary team
Registration Opens 7/8/25 at 12:00 AM CST
Photo Booth Sponsor
• Signage recognition at the tournament
• Logo recognition on the BOMA website and online photo album
• Complimentary team
Registration Opens 7/8/25 at 12:00 AM CST


September 8
7:00 AM - 9:00 AM Registration
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Putting Contest
9:00 AM - 3:30 PM Tournament
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM Dinner/Networking Begins
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM Awards

Registration Information

Save the date for registration: July 8

Registration instructions will be provided soon. Check back here or join our mailing list for updates.

Thank you to our Underwriter!

For More Information:

Victoria Ferrell

Victoria Ferrell

Manager of Meetings and Events